The six-month milestone for the second FTC season
Half a year has passed since the start of the second season of the ForexCup Trading Championship, and this seems like a good occasion, to sum up, some achievements. Currently, 20 participants registered 34 accounts in the Championship, which is already more than what we had on the last day of the first FTC season. We are delighted to see such activity, and we hope that it will only intensify in the second half of the season.
We also published three video interviews with top traders of FTC 2021, Emirhan Goren, Eduardo Soares Bogosian, and Toivo Valtteri Melkko. The fourth interview with Ebru Goren, one of the leaders of FTC 2022, will also be posted soon. We placed a dedicated button on the home page, which directs to our YouTube channel with these videos. In addition, we posted in our website stories section another big interview with Eduardo Soares Bogosian, who is the first season's third-place winner, and finally launched a merchandise lineup.
We are grateful to all FTC participants and followers. With your help, we continue to evolve and get better. Expect new updates and, as always, complete with the best!